InfluxDB vs. TimescaleDB

November 12, 2021

InfluxDB vs. TimescaleDB

Time-series databases are used to store and analyze data that changes over time. These databases are designed to handle large amounts of data that arrive in a continuous stream. When it comes to choosing a time-series database in the cloud, two popular options are InfluxDB and TimescaleDB.

In this blog post, we'll compare these two databases and help you decide which one might be right for your needs.


InfluxDB is a popular time-series database that offers a range of features specifically designed for time-series data. InfluxDB is built on a custom storage engine that is optimized for high write and query performance. It supports SQL-like queries and has a range of APIs that allow for integration with other tools and services.

Here are some of the key features of InfluxDB:

  • High write and query performance
  • SQL-like query language
  • Support for retention policies and continuous queries
  • Built-in graphing and dashboard tools


TimescaleDB is another popular time-series database that is built on top of PostgreSQL. This means that TimescaleDB offers all of the features of PostgreSQL, with added time-series functionality. TimescaleDB offers a number of unique features that set it apart from other time-series databases.

Here are some of the key features of TimescaleDB:

  • Built on PostgreSQL, providing support for advanced SQL queries
  • Support for continuous aggregates, which precompute common queries for faster performance
  • Automatic time-based partitioning
  • Support for distributed query execution


Let's take a closer look at how InfluxDB and TimescaleDB compare in terms of performance and features.


InfluxDB is known for its high write and query performance. It is optimized specifically for time-series data and can handle high write volumes without any issues. InfluxDB's custom storage engine is designed to handle the high write throughput of time-series data, making it an ideal choice for applications that require quick and efficient data analysis based on up-to-date, recent data.

TimescaleDB, on the other hand, is built on top of PostgreSQL, a more general-purpose database. However, TimescaleDB does offer optimized time-series functionality, and is widely known for its performance. In particular, TimescaleDB's continuous aggregates feature offers a significant performance boost for common querying cases, letting you ask complex questions of your time-series data with speed and precision.


Both InfluxDB and TimescaleDB offer a range of features specifically designed for time-series data. InfluxDB has a built-in graphing and dashboard tools which allow you to easily visualize your data. TimescaleDB, on the other hand, provides advanced SQL support, including automatic time-based partitioning.

When it comes to distributed query execution, TimescaleDB is the clear winner. InfluxDB does not have a built-in support for distributed query execution, whereas TimescaleDB allows you to run queries across multiple nodes. This can be a major advantage for applications that require high levels of scalability.


In conclusion, there is no clear winner in the battle between InfluxDB and TimescaleDB. Each database has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific use case.

If you're looking for a database specifically designed for time-series data, InfluxDB is a great choice. It offers excellent write and query performance and built-in graphing and dashboard tools for data visualization.

On the other hand, if you need a more general-purpose database that also offers time-series functionality, TimescaleDB might be the right choice for your project. It is built on top of PostgreSQL which provides advanced SQL support, with additional unique features like continuous aggregates.

Ultimately, it comes down to how a specific database and its features meet the requirements of your application - and the best way to determine that is to test each one out for yourself.


  1. InfluxDB. (2021). InfluxDB documentation. Retrieved from

  2. TimescaleDB. (2021). TimescaleDB documentation. Retrieved from

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